Social Media Guidelines
While we are excited to hear your thoughts on our Facebook or other social media sites, First Neighbor Bank will moderate and review your comments. When commenting, please keep the following in mind:
Account Help: If you have comments, questions or need service with one of your FNB accounts, may we suggest that you contact your local branch first. If posting a comment, please make sure that you never post your private information. This includes your Social Security Number, your account numbers, phone numbers and e-mail address. First Neighbor Bank will never ask you to include this information.
Commenting Guidelines
- Keep comments relevant
- Be respectful and courteous
- Posting shall not include:
- Profanity or nudity
- Language deemed threatening
- Language that is indecent, discriminatory, obscene, or inappropriate
- Do not promote services or products of the financial institutions
First Neighbor Bank reserves the right to delete any posts we find that is not consistent with our commenting guidelines. You may be banned from our page if you make comments containing any of the above content.